Protege Trading Account
Enter the world of trading in the easiest and simplest way possible.
Why choose our Protege Account?
Trade CFDs on 62 currency pairs, major stocks, stock indices, oil, precious metals, bonds and Cryptocurrencies on your Protege account, with variable spreads starting from 0.6 pips and no commissions. The Protege account is suitable for both novice and experienced traders and offers optimal trading conditions, ultra-fast order execution while enabling you to use virtually any trading strategy. This account type is a great gateway to the world of trading and comes with several perks that add value to your trading experience. Please note that Protege account charts show market and spreads without the mark up.
*The minimum deposit may vary depending on the base currencyKey Features
- Available base currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, ZAR
- Execution model: NDD
- Execution type: market execution
- Average execution speed: 0.20 seconds
- Margin Call / Stop-out: 100% / 30%
Trade Without Limitations
Start With $500 Minimum Deposit. No Deposit Fee Chargeable